Emerging Filmmakers Competition 2017

- Black & White Revenge by David Champion, Jack Motherway, Paul Riccio, Veronica Tullo, Samantha Grossman, Alec Grossman, Jeff Gallup, & Heather Giudice
Visionaries (Grades 10-12)
Bullfrog by Zachary Reichgut
Storytellers (Grades 7-9)
The Hurdle by Tyrese Watkins
Visionaries (Grades 10-12)
imperceptible by Luke Gardiner
Storytellers (Grades 7-9)
The Indubitable Molly Davis by Lily Jones
Visionaries (Grades 10-12)
Love Shouldn't Hurt by Blythe Bahramipour
Visionaries (Grades 10-12)
Personal Space by Lucia Ledesma, Aidan Champeau, Jake Weinberg, Lilli Herrick, Jacob Manthy, Petra Fox & Jake Diamond
Visionaries (Grades 10-12)
Project Identity by Alex Ferrandiz, Sam Cohen, Lucia Garritano, Robin Kalderen & Ray Feinleib
Storytellers (Grades 7-9)
The Search for Happiness by Jacob Hirsch
Visionaries (Grades 10-12)
Sock Monster by Victoria Pater, Courtney Voehl, Olivia Parauda, Cassidy Anontucci, Milla Shinder & Erik Pedersen
Storytellers (Grades 7-9)
Tiny by Matt King
Visionaries (Grades 10-12)
Xenophobia by Sean Riller-Miltner
Visionaries (Grades 10-12)