
Shorts: MSU New Visions

$15 Regular
$13 for Members (not a member?)


Montclair State University College of the Arts, School of Communication and Media, Filmmaking BFA Program presents New Visions 2021.  A showcase of visually compelling, emotionally powerful short films created by MSU’s top student filmmakers.

7 O’CLOCK (dir. Adam Chhour, USA, 11 min)
A young doctor navigates his way to work at a hospital with the weight of two diseases hovering around him.

THE ART OF COLORED MUSH (dir. Charlie Reiff, USA, 4 min)
A profile on claymation and visual effects artist Spaghetti Jesus.

FEVER (dir. Alyssa Mullings, USA, 9 min)
A visit to the Fever Club sees one woman experience herself like never before.

THE FIRST DAY (dir. Colin Keyes, USA, 15 min)
A high school freshman confronts an unorthodox bully on the first day of school.

LEGAL PARADISE (dir. Jake Wisotsky, USA, 19 min)
Dave meets a homeless man that steals his hard earnings and changes his life forever.

MOB MENTALITY (dir. Anthony Chidichio, USA, 15 min)
A young busboy doesn’t know how to keep his mouth shut in front of the mafia.

OUT OF MIND. (dir. Angelica Rosario, USA, 10 min)
Hunter struggles with the death of a loved one.

REMEMBER WHEN (dir Paola Ossa, USA, 15 min)
When a young boy must find his 8 year old sister when she goes missing in their unwelcoming trailer park community.

ROCKET POP (dir. Tim Jones, USA, 7 min)
Mike’s night is turned upside down when a homeless drifter comes spouting word of the incoming apocalypse.

SUNFLOWERBOY (dir. Trevor Stephney, USA, 5 min)
Johnson is faced with the choice of a lifetime: his girlfriend Erika, or his artificially intelligent girlfriend.

THE TOYMAKER (dir. John R. Caccamo, USA, 20 min)
An old toymaker finds an unexpected solution for a young girl who’s in need of an escape from her abusive home life.