Panel + Conversation

Behind the Screen

Sessions are FREE and open to the public.
Montclair State University students, please register as an MSU student in order to receive appropriate credit.

Behind the Screen 2019 is presented by Montclair Film and the Film Institute at Montclair State. The program is designed for students and adults from all backgrounds to discover the process for building a career in film and television through engagement with leading industry professionals.

All sessions will take place in the Presentation Room at the School of Communication and Media on the campus of Montclair State University. Online registration is required.

Behind the Screen 2019 Schedule

Insights on Acting with Joe Morton
Session begins at 11a.m.

The Director and the Editor
with Maggie Greenwald and Keith Reamer.
Session begins at 12:15 p.m.

Video News in the Digital Age
with Tina Exarhos (Chief Content Officer, Now This), and Julie Winokur (Founder, Talking Eyes Media).
Session begins at 1:30 p.m.

Dialogue with the Screenwriter
with Laura Eason (House of Cards, Here and Now).
Session begins at 2:45 p.m.

Promoting Your Show: The Art of Marketing and PR 
with Bess Donoghue (Publicist, Frank PR) and James Percelay (President, Jelly).
Session begins at 4:00 p.m.

Festival Strategies
with Tom Hall (Executive Director, Montclair Film).
Session begins at 5:00 p.m.

Thanks to generous support from The Horizon Foundation for New Jersey,
Behind The Screen 2019 is FREE and open to the public.