$10 Regular
$8 for Montclair Film + TNC Members (not a member?)
Presented in partnership with
In 1998 there were less than 1,500 breweries in the United States – now there are over 7,000. BREWMASTER tells the story of the rise of craft beer through two young men pursuing their dreams in the world of beer. Drew is a New York lawyer who wants to start his own brewery. He uses every free moment to make this a reality while preparing for a pitch with a potential investor. Brian, an extelemarketer, is studying to become a Master Cicerone – the beer equivalent of a sommelier – which requires taking a test only 13 people have ever passed. Set in the craft beer community, the film features successful brewers Sam Calagione, John and Jen Kimmich, Jim Koch, Garrett Oliver and Rob Tod.
Join Montclair Film and The Nature Conservancy at 6 PM for a pre-screening OktoberForest happy hour reception, with soft pretzels, and drinks provided by New Jersey Beer Co. and Ironbound Hard Cider. A panel discussion about the relationship between healthy forests, clean water and good local beer and hard cider production will immediately follow the film, featuring filmmaker Douglas Tirola, Eric Olsen (Director of Lands, The Nature Conservancy), Paul Silverman (New Jersey Beer Co.), and Charles Rosen (Ironbound Hard Cider). Also on tap for the evening: a special round of TREE-via!
Special Thanks To
For Providing Refreshments for the Reception
95 min
Release Year
Douglas Tirola
Susan Bedusa, Danielle Rosen, Douglas Tirola