
The Assistant

THE ASSISTANT follows one day in the life of Jane (Julia Garner), a recent college graduate and aspiring film producer, who has recently landed her dream job as a junior assistant to a powerful entertainment mogul. Her day is much like any other assistant’s — making coffee, changing the paper in the copy machine, ordering lunch, arranging travel, taking phone messages, onboarding a new hire. But as Jane follows her daily routine, she, and we, grow increasingly aware of the abuse that insidiously colors every aspect of her work day, an accumulation of degradations against which Jane decides to take a stand, only to discover the true depth of the system into which she has entered.

Available on Hulu


  • Genre

    Fiction, Drama, Women's Interest, Discover Together

  • Runtime

    85 min

  • Section

    Discover Together

  • Release Year


  • Director

    Kitty Green

  • Producer

    P. Jennifer Dana, Scott Macaulay, James Schamus

  • Cast

    Julia Garner, Matthew Macfadyen, Makenzie Leigh, Kristine Froseth

  • Country
