
Shorts: Fiction Shorts Competition

$15 Regular
$13 for Members (not a member?)


CHECKS AND BALANCE (dir. Brian Smail III, USA, 17 min)
A group of forgotten seniors create a mafia-esque scheme of stealing test answers and selling them to the institution’s wealthiest.

I’M LISTENING (dir. Mickey Sumner, USA, 19 min)
A single mother starts up an unlikely friendship with Siri.

LILI ALONE (dir. Zou Jing, China/ Hong Kong/ Singapore, 22 min)
Lonely and poor, a young mother heads for the city in a bid to earn enough money to save her dying father.

NO LONGER SUITABLE FOR USE (dir. Julian Joslin, USA, 21 min)
A Syrian FBI informant and single father, faces an impossible choice when he gets one final chance to avoid deportation by setting up a target in a terrorism sting.

SOME STILL SEARCH* (dir. Nesaru Tchaas, USA, 16 min)
SOME STILL SEARCH follows the simultaneous stories of a woman in ICE detention, and the 5-year-old boy she’s left behind.
*available for in-person audiences only

Q&A with director Brian Smail III (CHECKS AND BALANCE), director Mickey Sumner (I’M LISTENING), director Julian Joslin (NO LONGER SUITABLE FOR USE), and director Nesaru Tchaas (SOME STILL SEARCH) to follow. 

Virtual Screening Available in the USA
Available Sunday, October 24 – Sunday, October 31