Girl Rising Resonates

by Lauren “IV Valentine” Tyler

Girl Rising a social-issues film produced by 10×10 Productions and directed by Richard E. Robbins captures nine stories about nine girls from nine countries; nine ways to conquer everything from social norms to homelessness.

Girl Rising Trailer Shot

Each story is poetically narrated by some of Hollywood’s finest including Kerry Washington, Salma Hayek, Selena Gomez and Alicia Keys. The most inspiring story is that of Ruksana from Kolkata, India, the “Dreamer”, who lives with her family as a street dweller after her father gives up everything for her and her sisters to go to school. Ruksana has another passion that continually gets her into trouble; she loves to draw and doodle. She daydreams about her doodles as they come to life before her eyes, but sometimes at the wrong time. Her father’s remedy: buy art supplies! Ruksana could not be happier. Unfortunately, it is illegal to be a street dweller and Ruksana and her family’s house is destroyed by local authorities and the family must start over again. But a hopeful Ruksana sees this moment to be thankful for family, for her father’s sacrifice, and for art. Narrated by Priyanka Chopra also an advocate for girls rights, Ruksana is one of the girls who plays herself in the film.

Photo by Daniel DiScala / Montclair Film Festival

Photo by Daniel DiScala / Montclair Film Festival

Girl Rising is bringing awareness to the idea that if more girls are given a quality education the world will be a better place better for it.

Di Di of 10×10 and Dr. Emily Bent of Girl’s Learn International were available for a Q & A session after the film to charge the audience to get involved and spread the word about the need for girls to have access to a quality education.

To see this film in your town, 10×10 has partnered with Gathr Films so that you can request or host a screening of Girl Rising across the country at

To Find out more about 10×10 and Girls Learn International you can reach out at these links:

And to find out more about the film Girl Rising and the wonderful girls go to