Accessibility Info

Montclair Film is committed to making our programs and facilities available to all patrons so that your visit is as easy and rewarding as possible.  It is our policy to maintain an environment free of all forms of unlawful discrimination. Montclair Film is an Equal Opportunity employer.

For venues used by Montclair Film during the festival and throughout the year, we work with venue management to facilitate accessibility needs.  To request specific accommodations, please contact us at least two weeks prior to the scheduled program so that we have time to accommodate your request.

For the 2024 Accessibility Scorecard, please click HERE.


All of our programming, including the festival guide, is available on our website where you can enlarge the text and view it for better clarity.


Wheelchair seating is available in all venues. Please note this seating option in the Comments/Special Instructions box during checkout, when purchasing your tickets.

Please note the number of wheelchair seats available in each theater at The Clairidge:
Theater 1: 4 seats
Theater 2: 3 seats
Theater 3: 2 seats
Theater 4: 2 seats
Theater 5: 2 seats
Theater 6: 2 seats


Upon request, most of our venues will provide wireless radio frequency hearing assistance receivers. See box office to request.


Upon request, a certified ASL interpreter will provide a sign language-interpreted translation of conversations that are part of The Storyteller Series.


Closed Captioning (CC) will be available for all foreign films.

Speech-to-text real-time captioning, provided by TotalCaption and Globetitles, will be available for download on your personal smart phone or tablet, which you can then use to read live transcriptions during selected conversations.

Universal accessibility is an ongoing effort and we welcome your feedback so that we can continually improve our services and create the most inclusive experience possible.

For accessibility-related questions, please contact us at or call the box office at 973-783-6433 x 4010.

Downloadable PDFs of Montclair Film brochures