

Larisa Apan
Director of Programming + Curation

Debbi Bernstein
Grants Manager

Linda Bowers

Jennifer Cambras
Director of Production + Special Projects

Elana Castelli
Membership + Development Manager

Brian Collins
Graphic Designer

Kasey Coury
Marketing Coordinator

Samantha Givone
Community Engagement/Volunteer Coordinator

Beth Gottung
Co-Head, Executive Director

Tom Hall
Co-Head, Artistic Director

Sue Hollenberg
Education Director

Meredith Ladov
Managing Director

Maureen Leidl, CPA

Jill Montague
Marketing Director

Ryan Moore
Education Program Manager

Nickie Murray
Production Coordinator

Kayleigh Nardella
Education Program Coordinator

Axel Ortiz
Production Manager

Rebecca Sokol
Director of Audience + Programs

Michael Stoppay

Elena Tapper
Email Marketing

Kathy Walsh
Individual Giving/Sponsorship

Kareem Wilder
Digital Marketing Associate/ Social Media

Michael Zembower
Facilities Manager

Zachary Zembower
Technology Specialist


Christian Murrell
General Manager

Charlotte Mistretta
Assistant Manager

Amir Muhammad
Assistant Manager

Christine Wisniewski
Assistant Manager/Rentals

Carla Bello
Floor Supervisor/Box Office Liaison

Floor Staff:
Ayana Ayscue
Mariah Ayscue
Kaile Britt
Chloe Chowaniec
Tom Coughlin
Tyler Grisafi
Stella Guzik
Rori Hamer
Julia Heiman
Kit Lynch
Daniel Martinez
Meredith McGrath
Ally Montalto
Chloe Mortier
Matthew Mortier
Nickie Murray
Armanie Pierre
Arthur Rosu


Ad Sales
Taneisha Pathmore

Artist Services
Chris Condon
Laura Tressel
Christine Wisniewski

Box Office
Zachary Hogan
Carla Bello

Kids Art Project
Cathi Flanagan

Merchandise Design
Tracey Diamond

Operations + Events
Monique Cupid
Quincy Anderson
Axel Ortiz
Jason Pauloski
Matthew Uhlendorf

Dan D’Errico
Chris Drukker
Neil Grabowsky
Frank Schramm
Fred Trauerts
Tony Turner

Allyson Morgan
Nickie Murray
Olivia Coronel
Adriana Luna
Chloe Naphy
Terry Nickerson
Avery Nixon
Paige Ryans
Giancarlo Russo
Justin Saguirre

Projection + Tech
Bri Merkel
Emily Anderson
Brian Denny
Leigh Downes
Jeff Enssle
Chris Hogan-Roy
Carolyn Kaylor
Kimie Kimura-Heaney
Dael Norwitz
Chas Phillips

Frank PR

Sponsorship Manager
Kathy Walsh

Set Design
Jim Fenhagen
Julianne Fenhagen

Venue Staff
Danna Boshak
Stuart Bouwman
Edgar Garcia
Eddie Hall
Gail Leicht
Meredith McGrath
Kayleigh Nardella
David Polinchock
Max Portman
Debra Reichard
Len Ruvolo
Susan Smahl

Volunteer Coordinator
Samantha Givone