Mark Urman Award Fund Donors
We are proud to report that Montclair Film received more than 120 generous donations totaling more than $75,000 to help create the festival’s first fund to provide an annual cash prize for the winner of the Mark Urman Award for Fiction Filmmaking, which supports first and second time American Independent Filmmakers. These donations will fund a $5K annual cash prize over the next 15 years. As the fund increases its value through future contributions, the life of the prize will grow.
This year, the winner will also enjoy an additional $42,500 of in-kind filmmaker services as part of the juried prize. These gifts made in honor of our friend, the late film distributor Mark Urman, warms the hearts of all of us here at the Festival, as well as Mark’s family and close friends, many who supported the creation of the Fund. The award will be announced at a private ceremony at the 9th annual Montclair Film Festival once a date is determined.
Donors to the Mark Urman Award Fund
$25,000 and up
Indika Entertainment Advertising
Vance Wall Foundation / Carol and Terry Wall
Evelyn and Stephen Colbert
Susan V. Bershad
Davis-Urman Family
Doug Hall / Propeller Music
Giant Pictures
Kevin Kwan
Leonard Levine and Dr. Mateo Ledezma
Amanda Sherwin
Deborah Davis
Richard Miller
Jan and Warren Adelson
Luce and Daniel Battsek
Sarah Crane Cox and Cary L. Cox
Mary and Michael Dana
Dennis Davidson
Mariana Gantus Wall and Douglas Wall
Cynthia Miller and Dr. Kenneth Miller
Nicholas Savva/Giant Pictures
Lawrence A. Shar
Cathy Turchetta and Dr. Brad Turchetta
Lina and Stephen Wall
Margo and Frank Walter
Rose Cali
Linda Cox and David Stinnett
Henry and Karen Furst
Richard Lewis and Joan Sapinsley
Dorothy Urman Denburg and Howard Denburg
Scott Waxman
$250 and under
Luke Abbott
Thelma Adams
Chloe Aillery and Mitchell Silverman
Eleanor Albano
Kate Anderson
Myra Armour
Mary Lou Barber
Amy Bedik and Steven Siegelbaum
Myra Binstock
Jeffrey Blitz
Joan and Gene Bloch
Anne Chaisson
Stacy Cochran
Laura and Court Coman
Kahane and Jeff Cooperman
Kathy Costa
Susan Dalsimer
Samantha Dana
Andrea Delle Chiaie and Risa Wexler
Joe Dettmore
David Deutsch
Tom Eberhardt
Saun Ellis Drohojowska and Francisco Drohojowski
Ikenna Emehelu
Jennifer Fidlon-Bugat
Cathy and Conrad Fink
Jean Gatto
Elizabeth Geaber
Lori Ann and Marc Gerdisch
Annie and Charlie Greengoss
Jeff Guerrier
Nancy and Tom Hamilton
Samuel Alexander Heiber
Roxanne Hersh
Anne Hubbell
Diane Hughes
Annette Insdorf
Emily Kenison
Mindy Kenny
Kathe Knitch
Lisa Kyono
Joanne and Fred Langbein
Jack Lechner
Janet Lee
Alexei Lyapustin
Norma Lynch
Rebecca MacGregor
Matthew Magrini
Carol Mannes
Marian Masone
Cameron MacPhail and Agathe Guttuhagen
Molly McKaughan
Susan and Peter Metzger
Margaret Nagle and Charlotte Fassler
Jill Newman
Frances Pelzman and Joel Lerner
Nicole Quinn
Linda Reisman
Renee Reso
Jule and Sam Richard
Aran Roche and Matthew Podwoski
Suzanne Roth
Joe and Coco Rothstein
Rochelle and Stuart Rubin
Spencer Rubin
Susannah Schaffer
Jonathan Shukat
Cheryl and Marc Slutzky
Susan Smahl
Diane Sokolow
Betsy Sokolow Sherman
Nancy and Larry Star
Paula Stein
Cyndi Stivers
Aly, Ryan and Chelsea Tallman
Linda Tenner Blume and Gerald Blume
Anne Thompson
Judy Tobey
Michael Tuckman
Carol Turchetta
Jennifer and Todd Turchetta
Peggy Van Raalte
Shari Weinstock Davis
Iris Weinstock Schaffer Hall
Neal Weisman
Beth and Craig Wilensky
Susan Wrubel
Cristin Zaccareo
Stu Zakim
Mark Zarrella
These donations represent gifts made from November 15, 2019 through May 1, 2020.
If your name is incomplete, has been misprinted or omitted in error, please accept our apology and let us know by calling (973) 783-6433, ext. 2.