Annual Giving
Cinema, Storytelling and Community, with support from donors, since 2011
As a nonprofit, Montclair Film depends on the generosity of donors all year long. Gifts both large and small provide critical funding to support our mission and connect audiences to the power of visual storytelling through film.
We can’t do it without you! Help support Montclair Film by making a tax-deductible donation today.
Other Ways to Contribute

Monthly Giving
Did you know you can spread your giving over 12 months?
Your tax-deductible donation supports all of our programs.

Employer Matching Gifts
Does your employer match your giving?
If so, you can double your donation to Montclair Film.
For more information, please contact us.

Stock Transfer
Montclair Film gratefully accepts gifts of stock and appreciated securities. This provides a two-fold income tax benefit — you can deduct the full present fair market value, and you owe no tax on the appreciation in value. Please contact us for specific instructions on how to transfer stocks and bonds